christine lang

371. Messages from the Body - Medical Intuitive Christine Lang on Meditation Conversation

Medical Intuitive: Exploring Messages From Your Spirit

Guided by Spirit: From Lawyer to Medical Intuitive, Author, and Healer. Christine Lang!

The Art of Energetic Hygiene, Spiritual Courage, and How to Hear Your Spirit with Christine Lang

Want a quick way to clear your energy?

Attracting the Perfect Partner & Sensing Future Vibes

Let Your Divine Intuition Become Your Ultimate Guide with Christine Lang

Christine Lang: Intuitive Healing & Transforming Pain into Purpose

Your intuition always knows when something is off. You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone.

Christine Lang: The role of consumer behaviour for bioeconomy development

Aufbruch Award 2020 – Preisträgerin in der Kategorie Gesellschaft Christina Lang

Q&A zum SFB 1604 „Produktion von Migration' mit Prof. Dr. Christine Lang

Medical Intuitive. Christine Lang’s, Insights on Relationships

Christine Lang - Bioökonomie als globale Bewegung

What Your Body is Telling You - Christine Lang #medicalintuitive #medicalintuition #awakening

How To Listen To Your Body

Christine Lang - Kandidatin zur bayerischen Bierkönigin im Interview

Christine Lang at Three Goats Coffee

Christine Lang's Guided Meditations for: I Need To Stop Beating Myself Up

You’ll never get it all done — here’s how to reframe that into a GOOD thing! ✨ #EnergyWork

What are energetic chords? #ChristineLang #EnergyWork #EnergeticChords

Here's a tip on how to be present! #christinelangmedicalintuitive

Christine Lang's Guided Meditations for: I Feel Anxious and Unsettled

2 Steps to Believing in Yourself